عزيزي الزائر

لأنـنـا نـعـشـقِ التـميز والـِمُـِمَـِيّـزِيْـن يشرفنـا إنـظمـامك معنـآ في مـنـتـدانـا
منتدى ألسنـــــــاوي
أثبـت تـوآجُـِدك و كن من الـِمُـِمَـِيّـزِيْـن ..!

ادارة المنتدي

عزيزي الزائر

لأنـنـا نـعـشـقِ التـميز والـِمُـِمَـِيّـزِيْـن يشرفنـا إنـظمـامك معنـآ في مـنـتـدانـا
منتدى ألسنـــــــاوي
أثبـت تـوآجُـِدك و كن من الـِمُـِمَـِيّـزِيْـن ..!

ادارة المنتدي

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى يجمعنا كلنا
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Famous Litrary terms and quotations

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو جديد
عضو جديد

عدد الرسائل : 1780
العمر : 37
المزاج : تمام الحمد لله
العمل\الترفيه : Post graduate student
Famous Litrary terms and quotations Empty
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/08/2008

Famous Litrary terms and quotations Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Famous Litrary terms and quotations   Famous Litrary terms and quotations Icon_minitimeالسبت 17 يناير 2009, 11:38

دى مجموعة من التعريفات الادبية
و مجموعة من اشهر العبارات لاشهر الادباء
يا رب تفيدكوا زى ما افادتنى
Literary Terms


A poem , novel, drama, etc , in which the events and characters symbolize a deeper meaning beyond their apparent literal meaning. The underlying meaning may have moral, social, religious or poltical significance and the characters are ofen personifications of abstract ideas such as charity , hope, greed , sloth or envy.


A brief fictional work that concretely illustrates an abstract idea or teaches some lesson or truth. It differs from a fable in that its characters are generally people rather than animals, and it differs from allegory in that its characters do not necessarily represent abstract qualities.


An octave is eight lines of verse.


A stanza is a group of lines in a poem arranged in a particular metrical pattern.


A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem that is usually in iambic pentameter.iambic تفعيلة مؤلفة من مقطع غير مشدد يتبعه مقطع مشدد pentameter بحر خماسي التفعيلة: من خمس تفاعيل

Famous quotation

" More marriages have been ruined by irritating habits than by unfaithfulness." H. R. L. Sheppard


" To achieve great things we must live as if we were never going to die. '"

" The Grecian ladies counted their age from their marriage , not their birth . " Homer

"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?"
Satchel Page

Literary Terms:

Plot الحبكة

The characters and events of a literary work that creat and revolve the conflict. They build it uo to reach climax and move to resolution. Some works have more than one plot, while others do not have a plot at all.

Alliteration الجناس الاستهلالي

A sound device that depends on the repetition of the first consonant in words or accented syllables. It may occur in one line or thruough the poem , and more than one sound can be alliterated in the same word.
الجناس الاستهلالي: تكرار حرف أو أكثر في مستهل لفظتين متجاورتين خاصة في الشعر

Famous Quotations:


"Ambition is the grand enemy of all peace."
John Cowper Pows


"I never blame failures- there are many complicated situations in life, but i am absolutely merciless toward lack of effort."

F.Scott Fitzgerald


"Politics is a leap-frog in which one politician bends and another jumps over from behind."

Literary Terms


A short humorous poem of five lines in length.


A literary work , often dramatic in form, in which the protagonist falls from grace thruough an overwhelming combination of personal failing and circumstance, and ends with a disaster. Othellois a famous tragedy.

Famous Quotations


"Fishermen don't lie. They just tell beautiful stories."
Syngman Rhee


" We hate what we fear and so where hate is , fear is lurking."
Cyril Cannolly

Literary Terms

Flashback technique

The occurrence of a past event that interrupts the narrative in order to give new perspectives to the characters or present events.

A farce

A humorous play characterized by absurd or improbable situations.

مهزلة: تأليف مسرحي مميز باستخدام السخرية والنكتة

absurd عبثي لامنطقي

Famous Quotations:


"A person who is unable to love cannot reveal himsel"
Helen Marrell Lynd

"We can only love what we know and we can never know completely what we do not love."
Aldous Huxley

Literary Terms


A brief saying embodying a moral.


A comparison between two dissimilar things with the use of any connective. e.g: Life is a trap and people are its victims.

Famous quotations:


"Men take only their needs into consideration- never their abilities"

Napoleon Bonaparte

"The king is the man who can."
Thomas Carlyle

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو جديد
عضو جديد

عدد الرسائل : 22
العمر : 35
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2009

Famous Litrary terms and quotations Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Famous Litrary terms and quotations   Famous Litrary terms and quotations Icon_minitimeالخميس 22 يناير 2009, 13:14

أكيد هتفيدنا خصوصا الترم الجاي.. جزاكي الله خيرا
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو جديد
عضو جديد

عدد الرسائل : 1780
العمر : 37
المزاج : تمام الحمد لله
العمل\الترفيه : Post graduate student
Famous Litrary terms and quotations Empty
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/08/2008

Famous Litrary terms and quotations Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Famous Litrary terms and quotations   Famous Litrary terms and quotations Icon_minitimeالخميس 22 يناير 2009, 16:12

يا رب تفيدكوا
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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Famous Litrary terms and quotations
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» The famous Ameican poet Sylvia Plath

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